My name is Sumaya Garba Imoro and I was born in Ghana, West Africa, where I attended my elementary and secondary studies. Upon finishing my secondary studies, I started working as a Secretary for a while until got married. In 2002, I moved to Australia and I studied Community Education and Couselling at the University of Canberra. I have a certificate in leadership skills, a Certificate III in Individual Support, and a Certificate III in hospitality. I am also the CEO of a foundation I created called the Ghanaian Child Foundation focusing on helping children on the street in Ghana to have a better life and aiding women in starting up businesses to help improve their way of life.
I am a strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace and within my circle of friends. My passion for cooking and sewing came from my grandma. I love to upcycle and repurpose different items. These can vary from decorative pieces such as vases to furniture and clothing. My future plan is to continue to pursue this passion by becoming a full-time upcycler. I believe that it’s never too late to do anything that you are passionate about. So hopefully this could lead me in the path of becoming an Interior Designer.